7th class lesson no.1 Number System. What do you understand be Hexadecimal number system?
7th class lesson no.1 Number System
Qno.1. What do you understand be Hexadecimal number system?
Ans. HEXADECIMAL NUMBER—A number written in the base 16 number system. The first 10 numbers in the system are the integers as given below :
Qno.2. State the uses of number system.
Ans. There are number of different numbering system which is in use for the unique ability to represent different numbers. Binary, Octal, Denary and Hexadecimal are number systems that are used in different aspects Denary number is the most commonly used number system which is frequently used in daily life.
Number systems are used to describe numbers; up to (including) rational numbers, numbers are basically glorified amounts aka set sizes of sets that either exists (postive) or don’t exists (negative) and their various subsets.
The numbers themselves than can be used to describe other things like letters, colors or sounds.
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